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Wednesday, February 27, 2002


Ah, I'm happy. A friend I was worried about after she left her job is back in contact, so that's great! And not only that, she finally gets to see my websites, and I do like showing these things to my friends.
So I've been spending a lot of time online lately entering contests and sending away for freebies in the mail. The former, I figure what the hell. There are some nice prizes out there and my chances of winning are a lot lower if I don't even try. Of course the best would be to finally get a computer of my own, so any of those I pretty much sign up for right away. Everything else depends on my mood. As for the latter, well, hey, it may be crap I'll be getting in the mail but it's FREE crap! And it's not all crap. I got a coupon for a free can of frozen, concentrated orange juice. I like orange juice, so I can't go wrong with that.
Just cross your fingers for me that if I ever win anything, it's something cool.


Tuesday, February 26, 2002


I kept my promise that this wasn't going to turn into an Olympic update page. That being said... CANADA ROCKED! Our medal total for these games were our country's best ever in any Winter Olympics. Gotta love it! And that even came after some misfortunes hurt some of our best hopes. This is Canada though, and to most people none of that would have even mattered as long as we got the hockey gold. Yes indeedy, this is one happy nation.
Okay, Saturday night I went to see Kate and Leopold on the big screen. I loved this movie. It was funny, romantic, sweet, and charming. Hugh Jackman is downright sexy, I have to tell you. I also have a thing for Liev Schreiber, so that didn't hurt either. Meg Ryan of course was Meg Ryan, and she's another actress along with Sandra Bullock that I'm amazed isn't a bigger star than Julia Roberts. I've got a feeling that when this one is released for home viewing, I'll be buying either the DVD or video.


Monday, February 25, 2002


I just counted them, and I've done 14 entries in the Tabby Diaries for the whole month. And that's just the Factuals. There are even fewer Fictional entries. Part of the problem is burning out, but another is that they are suffering because of this site. Oh well. I like this one and the ease of blogging. To make up for everything though I wrote a huge entry for the 24th. In fact, because of that I don't feel much like writing anything else right now except for this... Kate and Leopold is a great movie. More on that later.


Saturday, February 23, 2002


It was nice today, getting out of the house and actually seeing the wide open world. I went over and spent some time with a friend I haven't seen in far too long, and helped her dye her hair silver (though it looked more lilac when I left, but that'll change as it dries). Actually, if you've checked out my Tabby Gallery site, you'll probably recognize her as PunkRockGirl.
I had to leave earlier than I would have liked though. I'm still sick, and was feeling just beat so I wanted to get home before my driving was affected too horribly. We had a fair bit of snow today and it's a fair bit colder now, so the last thing I need to be is drooping off at the wheel.


Friday, February 22, 2002


Okay, I am feeling better in that I had no nasty headache like last night, and I haven't had to go to bed yet. It was about 9:40 when I woke up this morning, which shocked my roommate because I'm never up that early.
It was a good day at the Olympics. Canada beat the United States for the bronze in women's curling, and then Canada beat the United States for the gold in women's hockey. Don't feel too bad for the US though, not with a gold and bronze in women's figure skating tonight.
Russian is threatening to pull out of the games. They have a whole number of gripes, one of them being a demand to remove the gold from Sale and Pelletier. Oh, give it a rest. They've benefited from rigged voting for years now, don't whine and bitch when you're caught at it. At least the Russian pair got to keep their gold too. What, is that now tarnished somehow just because they have to share it? Yeesh. Figure skating needs to be cleaned up soooooooo badly. I don't know if it will though. It's just too lucrative to the Olympic organization for them to drop it as an event, and as our own national skating organization proved when they got rid of a judge who spoke out four years ago at Nagano, the individual nations don't seem to be in any rush to do anything either.


Wednesday, February 20, 2002


Yup, I'm sick. At least my headache's gone after sleeping a few hours (I've been in bed since about 7pm), but my cough isn't any better. The roomies are out so I just called them and asked them to pick me up some Halls on the way home. I'm back off to bed now. Good night.



I have no interest in updating the Tabby Diaries tonight. There's also a new picture for the Gallery, but again, I have no interest in taking care of it. Human Faces is badly in need of a new column, but guess what? That's right. The chat room I have there is surprisingly popular, but I have until March to find a new one because the current provider is going to a pay system. I'll probably get around to replacing it, but I'm not really feeling like it right now.
It's not helping that I seem to have caught my roommates' cold. I'm sucking down Ricola echinacea lozenges right now in vain hope that it'll help keep the virus at bay. I have to go outside to work tomorrow, and the last thing I need to be doing is coughing and hacking in the winter weather (well, at least that has been fairly decent lately). My sleeping habits aren't helping me any either. When I'm getting an average of five to six hours a sleep per night, I'm just asking to get sick. I got even less than that last night because the roomies had to go take care of some stuff with their new truck, so the kids woke me when the dog started misbehaving. That's usually why they need to wake me up, except the other day when I opened up my eyes to see a 5-year-old standing by my bed with a huge jar of Cheez Whiz in her hands. I think tonight I'll make up for it with a really early night.


Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Well now, this is just a pain in the butt. I haven't been able to connect to this page with Explorer all night, but trying it with Netscape just now worked like a charm. That'll suck if the only people who can see this use Netscape, because the page doesn't look good in that browser and I can't figure out why.


Monday, February 18, 2002


I'm pretty much ready to scrap all of my websites and start afresh with just one new one. I have enough material now to really fill one up with pictures and writings, and I can promote the heck out of it. I'm just getting tired of doing all this work on the sites and having nobody come to them. I think part of the problem is that I've spread myself too thin
Sure, I used to say I didn't care about it, all that mattered was the design process, that was my hobby, but it does matter. I've worked too hard to have it all go to waste. I'm aware that part of the problem is that to keep visitors, a website has to be interesting, and if I concentrate on just one, then maybe I can keep it interesting.
I don't know yet. That's just how I'm feeling right now.


Sunday, February 17, 2002


We cleaned the hell out of the house today, so it's just looking fantastic upstairs today. The basement? Bleh. Now I get to try something different... Driving with the dog in the car. I've volunteered to take him to get his nails clipped and buy a new long leash for when we put him outside (the old one he keeps escaping from). Wish me luck.



Don't ever let me try to use the fireplace ever again. I had the flue open, so that wasn't the problem, yet I still manage to fill the room up with smoke while only burning the outermost part of the log. I'm serious, I really suck at it.
I'm tired, so I'm off to bed early. We got a bronze in men's speedskating. Ummm... Oh, the Diaries I'm not going to bother with tonight. Hey, it's not like anyone will notice.


Saturday, February 16, 2002


I don't know what the problem is here. It seems like every time I check this page now I have problems with graphics not appearing. I've rarely had this problem with any of my other sites, and that includes my other ones on iVillage, so that makes this doubly weird. I put in an ALT tag (it's HTML code) so that if people come and can't see the (brand spankin' new!) title graphic, at least they'll see the title of the page. I also fixed some code to make the page look the way I want it to in Netscape. That's one of the problems with Netscape and Explorer, that there are some codes that one can use but not the other, and there are some that to get it to do the exact same thing, you need to put in two whole seperate pieces of code instead of one standard piece.
Holy crap, I'm a geek. It wasn't that long ago that HTML scared the bejeebers out of me but if I didn't learn it somewhat, I couldn't make pages look the way I want.
Olympic update time... We've got a bronze, the first ever by a North American athlete in cross country, so that's really cool. Want to know who it was? Go to the CBC website to find out. I've got a bit of a headache and I need to get to bed.


Friday, February 15, 2002


Justice has been done. The French judge has been suspended and Sale and Pelletier are getting gold medals. Because it had nothing to do with the Russian skaters themselves, those two get to keep their gold medals too. This leaves me wondering, what happens now with silver and bronze? Are there now no silver medalists? Or to the bronze winners get to upgrade, and the fourth place team get the bronze now? I guess I should probably go read up and try and find out.



Catriona Le May Doan. What did she do? She only won Canada's first gold medal of the Olympics! Having done that in the women's 500m speed skating this year in Salt Lake City and four years ago in Nagano, she's also the first Canadian in an individual event to win back-to-back! Let me tell you, after all the bruhaha over the pairs figure skating, we needed this.
I'd also like to congratulate Russia's Alexei Yagudin for winning the gold in men's figure skating. His long program was fantastic, so there was no doubt in anyone's mind that this time for sure the medal was earned.


Thursday, February 14, 2002


You know, each of my major sites, Tabby Gallery, The Tabby Diaries, and now this one have each undergone a major redesign within the first couple of weeks of them being around. The only one that hasn't has been Human Faces, but that one I've been tinkering around with here and there. However, it still managed to get past that two week point without any major changes.
I'm going to redo the Archives site too, but only because last month's entries made it necessary to do so, what with it making the menu have to scroll and all that.
That pretty much just leaves Sandra Bullock: An Unofficial Site the only one untouched at all, but I only ever made that one because I had a design in mind that I wanted to try, it worked, and now it's just there. Oh, the Awards site too, but I tend to forget it sometimes. It's not like I'm inundated with nominations, but I really should hand out the February awards tonight...



Happy Valentine's Day!
So, I couldn't get on for the longest time tonight. We have a cable modem here, and there must have been a problem with the provider because there was no connection at all for several hours. If you've been here before, you can see that I used that time to completely redesign the site. My biggest concern now is that it isn't as easy to read as it was before, especially with the text over to the side like this instead of in the middle like I had it before. This is where I could really use some feedback, so click on the Comments link right below and let me know what you think, okay?
Alright, brief comment on the Olympic scandal... This is BIG! I'm happy to see it get as much coverage in the American media as it is, because that means that maybe there's a real chance for something to be done. If the only people concerned and outraged were Canadians, really, would the IOC care all that much? But the United States... Not an audience they really want to turn off the Olympics, huh?


Monday, February 11, 2002


This has NOT been a good day for Canada! First there was Jeremy Wotherspoon's fall, then tonight Sale and Pelletier were completely screwed out of a gold medal. Normally I'd be happy seeing Canucks win silver, but not when they skated cleaner than the Russians and gave a flawless performance. Maybe there were flaws, but I didn't see them, the crowd didn't see them, and the commentators didn't see them, and they're a lot more expert at this than I am. The boos when the scores were announced were deafening, and on the podium, the Canadians got a HUGE cheer, while the ovation for the gold medalists was half-hearted at best.
I guess a moral victory is worth something...



OH NO! Jeremy Wotherspoon, one of our best medal hopes, just fell down right after his start in the men's 500m speedskating and is out of that competition now! Oh no! Crap! I feel so bad for him right now, to have so much hope on his shoulders to have that happen. It was one of those fluke happenings, and I don't think anyone will blame him, but still, it's hard not to be disappointed. Well, he still has the 1000m so I'm sure he'll be completely focussed on that one!
It's hard to imagine what it must be like, training so hard for so long, sacrificing any sort of normal life, only to have something like this happen in the Olympics. Will he still have it four years from now for the next games? He got the silver in Nagano four years ago, so I hope for his sake he can go for it one more time.



Yay, Cindy Klassen! She brought Canada our first medal by winning the bronze in women's 3000m speedskating! It was an exciting race to watch too. Each successive pairing kept breaking the Olympic record, and the top three at least broke the previous world record. A Dutch woman skated fast enough to knock her from second to third place, but I have lots of Dutch friends so that's okay.
Don't worry, this isn't going to become Tabby's Daily Olympic Roundup or anything like that. I am watching them though and will probably comment a lot, especially when Canadians do well.
So I'm watching events like ski jumping with the flying off into space and freestyle skiing with the twisting and turning in mid-air, and it got me to wondering who the hell tried things like that the first time? Was someone skiing normally then accidently go off a cliff, shocking themselves by landing upright and unhurt? It would make sense. More sense than some nut looking down a hill thinking, "Hmmmmm... I wonder what would happen if I try jumping off the mountain?" Whatever the case, it did end up giving us some spectacular events to watch (keyword: "watch", I'd never try it, though I would like to skydive).


Sunday, February 10, 2002


Alright, that's all passed now. I'm not cheerful now by any means, but at least I'm not seething with rage. It wasn't good, and it wasn't just me. I was snapping at friends who were snapping at me, at least with the ones who were talking. Ugh, there's nothing than everybody cranky at the same time.
The thing is, I started out in a good mood. I took the dog for a long walk by myself today, so I had some peace and quiet there, and when I got home I watched some of the Olympics. Canada is doing really well in pairs figure skating, but that's no surprise. Sale and Pelletier are the reigning world champions, and are very, very good. I had my fingers crossed in the women's moguls as well, but we only got as high as 4th. Hey, that's not bad. She was young, so there's no reason she can't improve and win a medal in four years.
I don't normally care for sports, and the Summer Olympics, well, they can come and go and I won't really care that much. But the Winter Olympics... I never used to pay attention to them either until 1998 in Nagano. I just really got into it, watched not just the figure skating but speedskating, skiing, bobsled, heck, even curling and luge. Anyway, I'm going to see if there are any highlights on, so...


Saturday, February 09, 2002


Fuck, I'm in a bad mood. I've been feeling just totally pissy lately, and it hasn't been taking much to push me over the edge. I don't even really know why, unless it's just that I need more sleep.



I'm getting spoiled by how easy this is, and that makes it harder to do the Tabby Diaries. That's not a good thing, because the Diaries site is one I'm very proud of. I've put too much work into it to let it die, so I will force myself to update it tonight whether I want to or not. A little self-discipline is always a good thing. Too much on the other hand is just insane.
Today was a lazy day. I spent the day inside watching movies. Chocolat was just incredible. When it came out in theaters I wasn't too interested because the ads and the title came across to me as rather pretentious. It's a shocker that I didn't want to see it, considering Johnny Depp, the most beautiful man on the face of this planet and one of my favourite actors, in it. However, it was on a movie channel tonight so I figured I'd give it a chance. I'm glad I did! I really liked this movie!
The other one I watched was The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. A stage version is coming to town soon with Ann-Margret, and I really want to see it.
Okay, speaking of pretentious, is it prententious when I put a name in bold text? The titles of movies and books are one thing, but do I really need to do that with actors too? I didn't think so. That's it, I will stop it as of now when naming people.


Friday, February 08, 2002


Damn it all to hell! I just lost another long entry, and this time it was because "my session timed out". I think I've just found something that pisses me off about Blogger. Maybe I should take a look around to find out what the time limit is to write these things. Oh, I can still see the positive in it though. I'll just tell myself that's why so many blogs have atrocious spelling. Who has time to worry about that when you have to rush through a post?
I was doing fine, I logged in to write, and while I was doing it one of the girls came downstairs to tell me she has a sore knee, so I went up with her to get her a cold cloth for it. I came back to finish what I was doing, an there, I got an error message when I tried to post and publish.
Well, let's try this again. I was talking about how I've been fiddling around in ImageReady and FrontPage trying to work out a new design for this site. I've had no luck at it however because I don't know everything I need to know to make it look the way I want it to. Maybe if I stopped checking out other sites I wouldn't get an inferiority complex about this one. Besides, it's simple, it works, and I like to think it's just a little original too. Who else surrounds their writings with two huge, nasty pictures of their face? (Those pictures are another reason I want to change everything. I really need to stop looking at them.)
I was also talking about late night television. How I'm a fan of Conan O'Brien and how Carson Daly is someone I'm just finding annoying, even though I have no idea why. I just do. I wasn't familiar with him before he got his new show. I had heard of him, but never really saw him in anything. Now I'm longing for the good old days of Later when they'd have horribly incompetent celebrities guest hosting and conducting tragically lame interviews with other celebrities, and none of them were a-list.
Okay, let's try this again...



I'm in one of those weird moods again. I feel like writing. I want to write. I just have nothing to write about. Took the kids and the dog out for a walk again, but had to send the kids back home ahead of me because the younger child really needed to go to the bathroom. After they left, at one point the dog and I were coming back down a path and there was a teenage girl talking on a cell, walking her dog. Well, the timing was horrible, because she was just walking over some ice as we came along, and her dog came running towards... ours (? I don't know, he's my roommates' dog. I'd never get one), pulling her around and making her fall flat on her butt. Ouch!


Thursday, February 07, 2002


Shit. I just went on about how I want more travel and adventure in my life, a nice long entry too, and while posting it I got too eager to change windows and lost it all. That's just great. If I feel like it tomorrow, I'll see about retyping it.



Yay! I managed to get through most of the day without blogging! Of course that may have something to do with the fact that I've had nothing to write about. I took the kids out with me today and we walked the dog. Excited yet? I've done a couple of things for the Tabby Studios site. On the edge of your seat? I've been doing a website for a friend and I'm thinking of adding Blogger to it for her. I think it would come in really handy.
I want to redesign this already, but I'll probably wait until such time that I can afford to pay for an ad-free host that I can ftp to. I can always opt to make the ad here a pop-up, but I hate those.
Until I can think of more to say, check this out.


Wednesday, February 06, 2002


I just finished writing my column for Human Faces, and I have to say, it's my worst one yet. I just didn't feel like writing something that involved, so I wasn't able to really get into it. One needed writing though and there it is.
On the plus side, I did redo the main page, so that looks a lot better now.



As promised, here's the picture. It'll open up in a new window.
Urgh, I'm just in a pissy mood right now. Guess chat rooms can do that to you. Fuuuuuuuuu... No, not yet. I'm sure I'll use that word here sooner or later (kinda the point of having this AND the Diaries, not having to self-censor so much here), but not now. Just enjoy the picture.



This is just sad. I signed up today for a new site host, yet I have no idea what I want to do with it. I just signed up because I could. Is this possibly a sign of just how addicted I am to making these things?
It's a small host, not even 30 sign-ups yet. I don't want to put too much work into something that may not even last all that long. How many other free hosts have gone under or switched to pay services? It's got ftp, so I could always use Blogger with it. Where was this a week ago when I was looking for someone other than iVillage to use as a host?
It's not too late though. This site is still very new so I can always move it, but I'm not sure. They're giving me 100 megs of space, so I want to do a little more with it if I do anything at all.


Tuesday, February 05, 2002


Yay, it's all done and hanging on a wall! I'll take a picture of it later though to post over at the Diaries because it's too early to be getting into serious website stuff (that's why I love Blogger).
Besides, the roommates are sick, and the kids want a bath, so I'm going to go take care of all that now and clean up the kitchen too while I'm at it.



While I was at Shopper's, I finally bought some glue which means I've been able to put together my wood art picture. The glue can dry overnight, then I will put it in its frame, apply the trim, then it'll be done! Yay! I'll take a picture and post it at The Tabby Diaries once it's complete.
That took up all my time tonight, so of course the new column is going to be put off at least another day. Procrastination? Yes and no. I really did want to finish the picture, but I also don't feel like writing something quite that long yet.

I like this whole Blogger thing. I want to get one started at the commune, but I don't want to be the only one posting to it. I've been asking if any of the members would be interested, but so far no replies. I'm not going to do all the work of getting it set up unless I can get at least two or three other people involved, but no more than five or six. Maybe seven.


Monday, February 04, 2002


I'm at a bit of a loss for anything to do right now. I was going to go to Shopper's Drug Mart to get something for my roommate, but she got a call from a friend inviting her over, so she left. I'll probably go anyway because I could really use the exercise by walking there, maybe do a bit of shopping for myself. Not that I can really afford to, but there are some things I need to get.



Alright, I'm thinking it's bedtime. Between designing and updating my sites, the message boards I'm active on, e-mail, and chats, I spend way too much time at this computer. I never did get around to writing my column yet, but maybe I can do that tomorrow.
Yup. This is addictive. Maybe if I restrict myself to just one post per day... (Ha! I had a hard time keeping a straight face as I wrote that!)
The scary thing is, this is early for me to go to bed. Not that early, mind you, but early none-the-less.



Yay, I'm done! I've got the archives working now, so that's it! I might fiddle around with the design a bit still, but otherwise that's it. Phew. The only thing left to worry about is writing.


Sunday, February 03, 2002


I'm taking a break. I've added a guestbook and a stats counter, but I still can't get the archives to work properly. Maybe I'll try again later, but for now I just need a break from the computer before it completely pisses me off.



I can see how this could get to be addictive. I can add to the diary any time and it's soooo easy! Urgh.
I've got a feeling that it's going to be a slow day for sites around North American. It's the Super Bowl today so a lot of people are going to be glued to that. My roommates are, so there goes watching anything else in the livingroom. A VCR downstairs would be a really good thing right now, because I'm in the mood to watch a movie.There's always website stuff to do. I could try to get the archives to work here, or maybe write my latest column for Human Faces. I'll see. I guess I should do the column.




First thing I need to change is the copyright symbol at the bottom of the page. For some reason the letter A keeps getting added in front of it.

I keep looking at what I've done here, and all I can think is "I can do better than this." I don't know how much better, but I would like to have a really great design. Not that my huge face staring at you while you read isn't eyecatching... I don't know. Maybe I'll sit down one day and do a really, really good job on the Tabby Studios site. After all, that is the one I want to be the site of mine.



Yay! I've done it! I'm fairly pleased with the design, though I'll probably tweak it a bit. I'll definitely have to fix the archives, that just goes to a page that doesn't exist. Ah, this is good. There's nothing better than the joy of trying something new and getting it to work. It actually turned out to be easier than I would have thought. Just a little bit more to do and I'll be ready to show this site to the world.


Saturday, February 02, 2002


I'm cold and tired, but that's okay. I've figured out a design for the my new Blogger diary. I want to take my time working on it until I get it right though, then I have to find a host for it that has ftp. The only problem is I want to find one I'm not already using, so I don't abuse the priviledge of free hosting.



I'm getting frustrated, but that's okay. I'll work it all out eventually. I managed to get the ftp to work, now I just need to get it to work with a page I've designed. I'm not going to bother really working on a design until I've worked this out.
Ugh. This is so much easier just editing HTML to update my Diaries.


Friday, February 01, 2002


Alrighty, I've decided to try making a new diary site, but the design of it is eluding me right now. Once I've got it worked out, I'll add this and see how it goes.


The critics are calling
I Was an Atomic Robot Jungle Vixen...
"Very cool!" "Awesome!" "Good times!"

"Inspires me..." A Critic - I respect

"Cool. And miles more exciting..." Someone Else - You might not know

"I totally love it!" Whoo hoo! - Posted somewhere

"All I have to say is... Cool!" Another Critic

"I like the look..." An Opinion - YACCS Comments

"You think I have time to give you a quote? You're out of your mind!" Wil Wheaton -WWfreakin'DN!

January 2002
February 2002
March 2002
April 2002
May 2002
June 2002
July 2002
August 2002
September 2002
October 2002
November 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
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October 2004
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December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
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June 2005
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July 2010
Everything © Tabby Studios