Damned vacation season. Working in a smallish business can really suck sometimes, and when people go off on holidays, that's one of those times. Not only that, we just had someone quit on us (which resulted in dances of joy in this case), so between July 3rd and July 30, I only have three days off. I see absolutely no way I'll be turning into a complete bitch by the end of the month. Nosiree, none at all. Hell, I'm not feeling pissy at all today.
I'm counting down the days. In just over a month from now, I will be going on my two week vacation. I don't know if I'll be doing any camping, but the Fringe Festival will be figuring heavily in my holiday plans. Live theatre. That's the ticket for a nice, relaxing time away from work.
I'm at work right now, but I'm going to write this now so I'll have to make myself do it. I saw a grey magpie the other day and luckily enough had a digital camera with me. I'll post the picture when I get home, if not tonight then tomorrow. I'm working until 11:00 pm tonight then I'm back tomorrow at 8:00 am, so I'm sure people will understand if I'm not in the mood or don't have the time to do it tonight.
by Tabby at 7/10/2004 09:34:00 p.m.